What is Known about Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova?

Not much is currently know about comet H-M-P. Best estimates of some properties are listed here.

Nucleus Physical Properties

Property Value Reference
Effective Radius 0.6 - 0.65 km Lejoly & Howell (2017) CBET 4357
Rotation Period ≲ 7.5 hr Lejoly & Howell (2017) CBET 4357
Water Production 2×1028 molec/s (7 Jan)
9×1027 molec/s (10 Feb)
Disanti et al. (2017) CBET 4357
TRAPPIST communication
Afρ 60 cm TRAPPIST communication
Active Fraction ~ 12% Calculated from above

Other Phenomena

  • Radar observations (Lejoly & Howell, CBET 4357, 2017) show a skirt around the nucleus, indicating that there is a large population of cm-sized grains being emitted from the comet.