Orbit of Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
Orbital Elements (2017 apparition)
Epoch | JD 2457856 |
Perihelion Time | T = Apr 12, 2017 18:00:58 UT |
Perihelion Time (JD) | T = 2457856.250674 |
Orbital Period | P = 5.418 yr |
Semi-major Axis | a = 3.0848 AU |
Perihelion Distance | q = 1.0450 AU |
Eccentricity | e = 0.66123 |
Inclination (J2000) | i = 9.227° |
Ascending Node (J2000) | Ω = 141.063° |
Argument of Perihelion (J2000) | ω = 62.161° |
Perigee Time | t = Apr 01, 2017 06:44 UT |
Perigee Distance | Δ = 0.1419 AU |
Full Orbit From Above
Orbit in Oblique View
Oblique view of the portion of comet 41P/T-G-K's orbit around perigee, viewed from 20° above the ecliptic plane. The black circle and Earth symbol denote the comet's and Earth's positions, respectively, at perigee (Apr 1, 2017). Tick marks at 15 day intervals show the orbit's position above or below the ecliptic plane.

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