New Cometary Insights from the Close Approach of 46P/Wirtanen: A Symposium in Celebration of Mike A'Hearn
+ Attendance to program sessions
+ Meeting materials, daily refreshment breaks
+ Wednesday Excursion: Sailboat Reception aboard the Schooner Woodwind & Dinner at Buddy's Crabs & Ribs in Annapolis, Maryland (transportation between University of Maryland campus and downtown Annapolis, MD included)
All registrants will be provided an opportunity to submit an abstract(s) for presentation, purchase daily campus parking and submit interest in purchasing a guest ticket for the Wednesday Annapolis excursion (guest
tickets may be purchased at a later date at the cost of $110 each, subject to availability) at the time of registration via the online registration form.
Travel & ground transportation to the Mike A'Hearn Symposium at the University of Maryland, and hotel accommodations are not included in the posted registration fees and are the responsibility of the attendee.
Abstracts requesting an oral talk are due on July 12. Submissions after that date are likely to be assigned poster status.
On or Before Friday, July 12 | $125 |
Saturday, July 13 - Tuesday, July 30 | $135 |
On site | $150 |
Register Now
Registration site should open in a new tab. Be sure to make note of your registration ID in case you need to edit/update later on.
Student travel support
We have a small amount of funding available to help support student travel. (The amount will depend on the number of valid requests we receive.) If you are interested in applying for this support, please send a 1-page application describing your student status, Institution, who you are working with, and what you intend to present. Applications are due by the July 12 registration deadline and can be emailed to
Mike with his Deep Impact certificate. 2003