New Cometary Insights from the Close Approach of 46P/Wirtanen: A Symposium in Celebration of Mike A'Hearn
To honor Mike's passion for sailing, we will have a special Wednesday afternoon excursion to Annapolis, MD, for a cruise aboard the Schooner Woodwind followed by dinner at Buddy's Crabs & Ribs. Transportation between the University of Maryland campus and downtown Annapolis, MD is included. The excursion is included in the registration fee, on a first-come, first-served basis (though we hope to accommodate all registered participants). Guest tickets may be purchased at a later date at the cost of $110 each, subject to availability.
2019-08-02 update : Those going on the excursion need to bring/wear soft-soled shoes when on the boat (e.g. no dress shoes). This is a dress code requirement from the ship's crew.
2019-08-01: For those particpating in the excursion, here are additional details: Excursion.pdf